L’expertise qui fait notre renommée : excavation profonde, en espace restreint, industrielle ou commerciale.
L’expertise qui fait notre renommée : excavation profonde, en espace restreint, industrielle ou commerciale.
Construction de réseaux d’aqueduc et d’égouts et de réseaux pluviaux. Travaux d’infrastructures routières.
Réalisation de mandats comportant une certification LEED. Gestion ou décontamination des sols.
Déneigement, déblaiement et épandage d’abrasifs pour certains arrondissements de la Ville de Montréal.
At Excavations Payette, we are known for our versatility in excavation mandates. From commercial earthmoving projects to major downtown construction sites, our teams’ know-how ensures our efficiency.
The expertise that gave our company its name. We have worked on virtually all types of excavation projects: commercial, industrial, institutional, large-scale residential, deep excavation and excavation in confined spaces.
The real challenge of these projects goes beyond simply carrying out the work. It lies in the ability to limit the effects of the work, for example, by taking care to mitigate noise and vibrations, managing public traffic, and so on. Our ability to carry out projects thanks to our large fleet of equipment and, above all, the quality of our teams allows us to tackle all mandates with confidence, even when there are multiple constraints.
This expertise developed over the years leads us to contribute to our clients’ preliminary projects when required.
We offer various services related to our fields of activity in the Greater Montreal area.